Book a holistic nutrition consult or package with test

Root cause health & nutrition

Many spend years trying to figure out the cause of their health issues by guessing – starting wildly restrictive diets and blindly supplementing and are disappointed when they make little progress. Many symptoms can be associated with a large number of causes such as enzyme and mineral deficiencies and imbalances, pathogens such as bacteria, yeast or parasites, leaky gut, low stomach acid, low beneficial bacteria, food intolerances, toxins and the list goes on, and on.

I also offer individual consultations for more general programs to improve health and vitality.

Meet with me in person or online, it would be an honour to work with you and I look foward to meeting you.

Initial consultation

If it is your first time booking an appointment please book the initial consultation.

You will then be emailed a link to a detailed initial consultation form prior to our catch up. Please submit this form at least 24 hours before your appointment so that I can provide you with my best service.

Initial consultations include:

  • A 45 minute one-on-one consult in person or online
  • Put together the puzzle peices of health history
  • Personalised supplement and food recommendations
  • Recipes or meal plan if required
  • Lifestyle tips & recommendations
  • Access to practitioner only products
  • Access to a range of integrative tests
  • Detailed notes after consult

Follow up consultation

Follow-up consultations are 30 minutes long and are for re-adjusting your health program.

Consult & test packages

Consult + HTMA – Hair tissue mineral analysis test

This test looks at your body chemistry. Minerals are essential for human health from creating hormones, energy production, DNA synthesis, healing, development, growth, cognition, organ and muscle function and mental and physical health (Tardy et al., 2020). They are the spark plugs of life because thousands of reactions and processes in the body require minerals! Unfortunately, mineral deficiencies are common, even with a balanced diet due to a number of factors including stress, chemicals and pollutants, pesticide and herbicide use, synthetic fertiliser, depleted soils, pharmaceuticals etc.

The HTMA test is also the best way to determine any heavy metals that have accumulated in your tissues. 

This hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test from Interclinical Labratories measures 35 minerals & heavy metals and their interactions. Personalised supplement, dietary & lifestyle recommendations are provided based off your results.

This test is particularly useful for optimising health & performance, mood & energy issues, poor immune health, pre and post pregnancy, perimenopause & menopause & anyone who wants to feel their best & age optimally. You can view a sample test here.

This test on it’s own is $219 & the consultation is $100

Consult + complete microbiome mapping test

The health of your gut affects every facet of your health, from susceptibility of chronic diseases, mood, cognitive function, immune health and inflammation.

The complete microbiome mapping test is one of the most comprehensive gut tests as it checks for parasites/worms, opportunistic bacteria, fungi/yeast, bacterial pathogens, viral pathogens, measures levels of beneficial bacteria; plus GIT markers inc. faecal occult blood, calprotectin, pancreatic elastase, sIgA, zonulin, glucoronidase and short chain fatty acids.

This test is particularly useful for anyone with the above mentioned issues and dietary changes have had minimal impact on resolving your health issues. You can view a sample test by clicking here.

This test on it’s own is $415 (includes postage of sample) & consultation & follow up is $100.

HTMA mineral nutrient test hair analysis noosa

Consult + HTMA mineral analysis & complete microbiome mapping

This is the ultimate combination to get to the bottom of your health issues.

Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test – measures 35 minerals & heavy metals and their ratios & interactions. Personalised supplement, dietary & lifestyle recommendations are provided based off your results. You can read more about this test here.

Complete microbiome mapping – is one of the most comprehensive gut tests as it checks for parasites/worms, opportunistic bacteria, fungi/yeast, bacterial pathogens, viral pathogens, beneficial bacteria; plus GIT markers inc. faecal occult blood, calprotectin, pancreatic elastase, sIgA, zonulin, glucoronidase and short chain fatty acids.

HTMA $219, microbiome mapping $415 & 1.5 hour consultation and follow up text suport is $200.