Dietitian Sunshine Coast

About Chrissy

I am a university qualified holistic nutritionist with an investigative & multi-faceted approach to improving health and wellbeing.

I believe nutrients are medicine, health begins in the gut and nature is infinitely wise and utilise the latest scientific research and cutting edge tests.

My special interests include gut health, intolerances, deficiencies, longevity, post-natal depletion and skin issues.

A degree in nutrition at La Trobe University and certificate in gut health with Colorado University has set a strong foundation in my knowledge of nutrition and health. However I am also well versed in holistic and functional principles and have learned from experts such as Dr Rhonda Fitzpatrick, Dr Zach Bush, Dr Jess Peatross, Dr Will Cole, Dr Mark Hyman, Dr David Sinclair, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Ben Lynch and Dr David Perlmutter.

Based in Noosa in the Sunshine Coast in Australia for face-to-face appointments and available worldwide (ex USA) for online consultations.


In a previous life I worked in marketing which I enjoyed, however I felt called to change directions after significantly upgrading my health after being rather run down. Although doctors said I was fine, the debilitating fatigue, brain fog, skin rashes, chronic acne breakouts, anxiety and low mood was telling me otherwise. After seeing many different doctors and naturopaths I finally realised that I needed to take responsability for my own health. Using a variety of principles and scientific knowledge my vitality, mood, skin, energy and even cognition improved. It is now my mission to help others upgrade their health and wellbeing. No one should feel the way that I used to.

My Philosophy

Personalised nutrition, a healthy microbiome, correcting nutrient deficiencies & imbalances are the cornerstones of optimal health & vitality.

I am 41 years old and have three children, I had identical twins when my son was 2 and a bit years old and then decided to study full time when the twins were 2 years old. So I am well versed in being a busy mum and finding easy ways to optimise their health. I believe that giving them a healthy start in life is the best gift I can give to them after personally going through some health struggles. I am determined that my own children will not suffer from the same ill health that I did. However on a brighter note, I am now feeling better than I did than when I was in my 20’s and I hope to continue on that trajectory well into my twilight years. 

When I am not working (or nerding out on the latest science journals lol) you will usually find me walking through the national parks or at one of the amazing beaches that we are so blessed with in Noosa. I also love yoga and lifting weights, taking the kids on mini adventures and catching up with friends.

No one is going to care as much as you do or be as sorry as you will be if you lose your health


Bachelor of Food & Nutrition | 2018 – 2022
La Trobe University Melbourne

Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome | 2017
University of Colorado

What’s Up With Your Hormones | 2022 Dr
Libby Weaver Conference

Advanced Diploma of Marketing | 2013
Southbank TAFE

Bachelor of Arts – PR, media, journalism & culture | 2010
Griffith University

Everything is important...

Until you get sick. Then you realise there was only ever one thing that was important… Your health. But nonetheless we borrow from the bank of our health, taking loans on stress & sleepless nights to pay for something that doesn’t really matter.”

~ Unknown